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Gillette Talks Role at Globe in Monster Children Interview

Austyn Gillette sat down with Monster Children for a new interview to discuss his move to Globe. In addition to working on a pro model shoe, which is scheduled for a 2022 release, Gillette is taking on an active role in reconfiguring the brand to appeal to skateboarding’s core audience.

This is all great news, and there’s a new shoe on the way?

Yeah, that won’t be out until next year, though.

Very exciting.

Yeah. I just feel like it’s either I ride for flow for a big brand, or I’m pro on a big brand and have no creative freedom, or I challenge myself and others by creating and doing something new. If everybody likes the decision you make, they’re not gonna talk about it. You kinda need to go against the grain, I think, and that’s what I’ve always done, so…

That’s great. I’m really excited to see what you and Globe get up to.

Yeah, It’s nice to rise to the challenges and the unknown. It took a year to make this happen, to come to an agreement that we felt was good for both of us.

It’s almost like a consultant role.

Kind of…  I’m on zoom meetings a few days a week with the team in Australia, working on design, working on the shoes, helping them position things on the skate website, helping them connect with core shops; that’s the angle we’re trying to hit—going from the bottom up. I feel like that’s what’s required right now to instill that trust within the core shop community because I feel like that’s where it starts.

Right on.

We’re just trying to get to a place where people can see the brand with fresh eyes, I guess. And that’ll take time.

Read the full interview here.

Image Via Monster Children