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How to Clean Skateboard Wheels – Simple & Easy Tips For Skaters

Are you in search of techniques to help you clear the dirt from your amazing skateboard wheels? Has your skateboard speed reduced due to excessive use? This article will list the easy methods that will teach you How to Clean Skateboard Wheels easily by yourself. Skateboarding is a very popular and fun sport. To avoid the hassle of traffic, Skateboarders often use skateboards for commuting. Skateboarding can help with daily travel and save money and time.

People using skateboards for travel will accumulate dirt, hairs, thread, mud, and other obstacles in them. Dirt built up inside wheels slows the speed. Dirt removal increases the life of skateboards and saves money. Bearing balls also accumulate dirt easily as they have space between them. This dirt sticks and makes rolling hard. It will take much effort to propel the skate as wheels are hard and the ride with be bumpy.

Cleaning dirty skateboard wheels is a very easy process. Even beginners can easily learn to clean their skateboard wheels at home. The process is very simple and quick so anyone can learn it quickly. If you feel your skateboard speed is reduced or you are using your board excessively then its a clear signal that you need to clean the wheels of your skateboard.

To begin cleaning wheels firstly get all the required stuff ready. Keeping all the required stuff around will save a lot of hustle and make cleaning quick and easy.

List of things needed for cleaning skateboard wheels

Place all the necessary stuff near your skateboard and wear gloves if you feel necessary. Wheels and bearings have to be dipped in a solution so that dirt becomes soft. This step can cause skin sensitivity in some individuals or might cause dryness so those people can wear gloves for precaution. Follow the steps listed next orderly to have exceptionally clean wheels at the end.


Position skateboard and remove wheels

Position the skateboard upside down. The deck riding surface will be facing down and the wheel will be up. Use a skate tool and remove the axle nut from the wheels. Remove all skateboard wheels using the same technique. Next, remove a washer. Place all-wheel parts in one place so that they are not lost and you can find them later easily. Nuts and washers are small and can be easily misplaced so it is better to keep a container near and place them in it.

Placing nuts and washers organized in a container will make it easy for you while reassembling. Some skateboards might not come with a skateboard tool so use a wrench instead. Select wrench size according to the wheel nut size. Remove nuts of all four wheels and next simply slide the wheels off from the truck axle.


Removing bearing from wheels

This step will require some hard work. Some skate tools have a protruding end for extracting the bearing. The bearing press is a device used from removing or replacing the bearings at a shop. This can help a skater easily remove the bearing. Another technique to remove the bearing is to pry the wheel and bearing about a half-inch onto the axle. Next twist the angle of your wrist so that the bearing will come out. Bearings have to be separated from the wheel before cleaning as water exposure is harmful to the bearing. The bearing will rust and erode if exposed to water. Rusted bearings need to be replaced as they hinder the efficiency of the skateboard.

This step can be hard depending on the type of wheel. Screwdrivers can be used to extract bearings. Put a screwdriver in the middle of the wheel then put some pressure and pull the bearing out. Each wheel contains two bearings. An outer and an inner bearing with the spacer in between. Wheel bearings contain balls that roll inside the bearing.


Washing the wheel

Skateboard Wheels have spaces that can accumulate anything from the surface you ride on. When wheels have accumulated dirt and sand and other things theyll slow down. Friction will be increased. Skater will have poor stability and balancing will be hard. Dirty wheels will stop skaters from long commuting at fast speed even tricks cannot be performed with dirty wheels. People using skateboards often should clean their skateboard wheels once a month or whenever they feel a need. Cleaning will give wheels a good long life and save you from buying a new pair of wheels.

After long use of skateboard, the wheels will have strongly attached dry dirt which will take time to remove. Prepare a soapy cleaning solution in a container. It takes time for the solution to dissolve the dirt so wheels should be left to stay in there for a while. Soak the wheels in that solution for half an hour. The dirt will have to soften after this time and then will be easily washed. Wash the wheels with enough water so all the mud and dirt are drained. The cleaning solution contains any detergent or soap used for cleaning dishes or other surfaces dissolved in warm water. This solution will act to dissolve the dirt which has become hard. When the dirt is softened by cleaning solution it will be easily drained by water.


Scrubbing the wheels

Water will help remove all mud from wheels but to remove deep dirt, hair, threads, and other sticky stuff and for a thorough cleaning scrubbing should be done. Any brush can be used for scrubbing the wheels. Scrubbing will remove all remaining grime. Some brushes are designed to especially scrub wheels but if you dont have one then an old toothbrush or piece of cloth can do the same job. Due to the warm water solution, the entire dirt is soft now so brushing will be easy to remove whatever is left. While scrubbing pay attention to all the tiny spaces in the wheel as well where dirt may remain accumulated. Tiny spaces accumulate most dirt. With great attention scrub off all 4 wheels of the skateboard. Thorough scrubbing totally cleans the wheel surface, this will make the wheel surface look like new.

Step 5:

Drying the wheels

This step is very important and should be done very carefully. After scrubbing the skateboard wheels should be washed with a generous amount of water. When wheels are properly clean dry them using tissue papers or a piece of cloth. Dry the inner and outer surface of the wheel completely. When drying take away the wheels from the washing area or any other source of water. Place wheels in a completely dry environment rub the surface fully and try to remove maximum moisture. Let the wheels stay outside in the air for some time or it is better to keep wheels in some sunlight so that they are fully dry.

Never hurry to place the wheels back after cleaning. The moistened wheels will be heavy and so give a bad skateboard ride experience. Moisture affects other skateboard parts lethally especially wheel bearings and skateboard decks. The bearings will rust. The deck is also affected by moisture and may break due to repeated wetting. Similarly, if wheels are not dried properly the wet wheels will attract again. When wheels have properly dried assemble them to replace them in the skateboard.

Step 6:

Cleaning bearings

Bearings and wheels need to be separately washed because bearings are extremely water sensitive. Theyll easily rust when exposed to water. Bearings become useless after water exposure so while washing wheels keep bearings away at a dry place in some container. Cleaning bearings takes effort as each contains eight small bearing balls which can be misplaced easily. Remove the bearing shield using a pin and then use spray citrus cleaner to remove dirt. Lemon juice can be used also. Bearings can be soaked in alcohol or any other solvent and then after 2 minutes rinse with a solvent.

Dry the bearings in the air or with an air dryer. Wheel bearings need to be lubricated so that wheels will move more smoothly and efficiently. Any oil or grease available can be used. During lubrication it is a must to avoid over lubricating as over lubrication will increase friction and thus the temperature of the wheel bearing. With over greasing, pushing bearing elements while rolling becomes hard and takes more effort.


Bearings after cleaning should be dried quickly because they will rust if moist. It is best to rub off the wet surface and use a drying device for bearings. Drying in the air requires time which might affect the bearing. To know more about the bearings check out the list of Best Bearings available on the market.

Step 7:


Now all skateboard wheels and parts are clean and ready to be replaced. All the parts should be properly dried before placing back because moisture causes erosion and permanent damage. Firstly arrange the wheel bearings. The bearing shield should be put back on the surface of the bearing. The shield helps with keeping the lubricant inside and keep bearing balls rolling smoothly. Placing bearing back into wheel can be difficult for some so shopkeeper use bearing presser which will easily align the bearing in the wheel. To fit bearing into wheel first place one bearing on the truck axle and pry it off. Assembling the wheel is easy as one just needs to reverse the steps done earlier.

Push the wheel on the wheel axle and the bearing will fit in. After one bearing is placed, put a spacer then put the other bearing and push it similarly on the axle so it fits in. Use the same process for all four wheels. The bearings should be properly aligned and tightly fitted. After wheels and bearings are properly placed put the washer and axle nuts and screw the wheel nuts tightly.

To Sum Up

Anyone whether a pro skater or beginner can use these simple steps to clean the skateboard wheels. A Simple and easy method that gives better speed and stability. Give your wheels a good wash after a ride on a rough road or at the weekend after daily commuting for work or studies. Whether using a skateboard for transport or entertainment it doesnt matter, everyone should wash the board because it will not take much time although improve the performance extensively. Shops offer the same service but for a higher cost than cleaning at home.

As with all other devices used daily, skateboards also need maintenance. Skateboards are simple in design and can be easily managed at home after knowing some basic techniques. The steps to Dirty wheels not only affect the speed but the shape and appearance of wheels are affected very much. The wheels arent able to run smoothly over surfaces but instead, the skater will feel jerks. Wheels move smoothly and faster after cleaning and lubrication. Skaters requiring good speed and stability should clean their board often. Without proper maintenance the life span of the board will reduce, performing tricks will become difficult and the need to buy a new skateboard will cost a lot more money.


How often should skateboard wheels be washed?

It mainly depends on individual conditions of use. If a skater is using a skateboard for daily commuting then frequent washing is necessary. Also if learning tricks at some dirty or muddy place then wash off immediately so dirt isnt accumulated or wheels will get damaged. For frequent users wash the skateboard once a month at least. People using skateboard occasionally or for only fun should wash off grime once in 3 to 4 months. Dirt if accumulated becomes hard and increases friction so it’s best to wash often.

Why cant wheel bearings be washed with wheels in the water?

Water bearings need to be separated from the wheel as they are water sensitive. Exposure to water even for a short duration will rust the bearings and theyll become useless. Bearings should only be washed with alcohol, solvent, or citrus spray. After rinsing the bearing should be dried promptly as any delay will cause it to rust and affect its smoothness. After drying and rinsing, bearings need to be lubricated as well so that friction is reduced and bearing balls roll smoothly.