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How the Pandemic Played Into Mason Silva’s Banner Year

We’re anticipating that a Mason Silva SOTY announcement will happen sometime in the next week or two. Nike SB takes a timely look at Mason’s banner year in a new interview, which chronologically embeds his parts between questions about his filming process. When COVID first hit, it seemed like it was going to have a detrimental effect on skater’s output in 2020. The opposite turned out to be true. Mason explains how the pandemic played into his success in the below quote.

SB: Do you think the pandemic actually gave you leeway to be more productive in a sense?

MS: Yeah, it seems like that’s been the overall consensus. People are able to skate more than ever because there aren’t any real distractions. People can’t go to the bar. People can’t go on vacation. People couldn’t do stuff, so the only thing to do was film.

Read the entire interview here.

Image Via Nike SB