Mariah Duran, Poe Pinson, Christine Cottam, Annie Guglia, Kristin Ebeling, and friends went to Phoenix, Arizona, to film the first installment of the “Big Cats” for...
Pro skater Mariah Duran has always been into sports as a young kid, she revealed in the latest episode of The Nine Club. The goofy-footed skater...
Finally! Here are the contenders for Thrasher’s 2022 Skater of the Year. The Skater of the Year Award, also known as SOTY is one of the...
Mariah Duran secured her spot at the Semi-finals of the USA Skateboarding National Championships Women’s Street after winning the Women’s Street Digital Qualifiers. Duran was last...
Watch two-time X Game gold medalist Mariah Duran rip the streets and ditches of the Southwest in her new video part entitled “Rapa Nui”. Duran started...
Mariah Duran returns to her hometown in Albuquerque, NM to “unlock” the Civic Plaza for an open skate jam for local skaters. Watch the highlights below....
Join Mariah Duran and Mtn Dew as they “unlock” the Civic Plaza for an open skate jam with local skaters on July 17 from 11 am...
Female skateboarding’s renaissance has been punctuated by the release of numerous parts and videos showcasing women over the past several years. adidas adds to the legacy...