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Ali Boulala Reveals New Documentary on The Bunt

The Bunt Ft. Ali Boulala S11 Episode 10 "I remember throwing the stereo system in the fireplace" by The Bunt

Five years later, Ali Boulala’s Epicly Later’d remains one of the show’s most talked about releases. A full-length Boulala documentary is fitting given how compelling his story is. Fans rejoice. A film may be seeing the light of day sometime soon. Boulala makes the revelation starting at the 49:20 mark of the latest episode of The Bunt.

Maybe six years ago, this Swedish filmmaker also started to make a documentary. He’s not focused on skating or anything. He’s just doing a film on my life…He actually started before the Epicly Later’d. He started before I got sober. So he’s been doing that for six years, maybe longer. We started filming. Then, something happened where we had a five-year break. I may have told him, “Fuck you. Fuck the movie. Let’s not do this.” Then, five years later, when I was sober and the Epicly Later’d had come out, he called me like, “Hey, remember me? It’s Max, the film guy”… We have started again. And I think it’s gonna look good. I’ve seen little bits, and a couple of possible trailers.

Listen to the full interview above.