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Tony Hawk Snaps Femur in Two During Horrific Accident

Tony Hawk didn’t say exactly how he broke his leg, but based on the gnarly images he shared on instagram yesterday, it was something catastrophic. Hope you have a strong stomach, because the x-ray is brutal.

Hawk did admit that the years are catching up with him – “recovery for a broken femur will be much harder because of its severity (and my age). But I’m up for the challenge” – and acknowledged the irony of the injury right before the premiere of “Until The Wheels Fall Off.” Still, he refused to give up and specifically said, “I won’t stop skating until I am physically unable.” This kind of injury would shake most peoples’ confidence, but apparently, a super-broken leg isn’t enough to retire the Birdman.

Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery and a safe return to the board.