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Jonathan Lomar Sheds Light on ‘The Oski Documentary’

Over the summer, The Oski Documentary account popped up on Instagram teasing a film about Oski Rozenberg’s road to the Olympics. Its mission to show the games through the lens of an unlikely competitor who is not chasing a gold medal is admirable. And the film will undoubtedly stand up better than the rest of the fodder about the Tokyo Games from the past couple of years. Jonathan Lomar spoke with Monster Children to shed some light on the project, which is shaping up to be a five-part series that should make its debut sometime around January.

What’s the vision with this project?

I’ve thought a lot about that lately. If I had to explain very quickly and simply, I think it’s about a young skater hanging out with friends and getting dragged into a parallel universe of media frenzies and suit guys trying to quantify skateboarding, and how not to get lost in that. I guess the goal, for me at least, is to make this a thing for the masses to understand, but also for the skaters. My goal is to give a viewpoint on skateboarding from skaters to the big mass, to provide representation. A lot of people see skating in Street League and think that that’s what skating is. If I can open the doors for them to some other parts, it can be something for future generations to see these cool parts of skating and expose a kind of authenticity.

Learn more here.

Image Via Jonathan Lomar