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Campbell Teases City Stars Reboot in VHS Interview

Between the latest Tony Hawk video game and the Axion relaunch, Kareem Campbell has been back in the limelight over the past year. Apparently, this is just the preview; there are more projects on the way. Reem sat down for an extensive interview with VHS Mag in which he reveals plans for bringing back City Stars.

V??Nice. What’s next for you? You got Axion, you got 4DWN with your friends…

K??I’ve got City Stars on board and that’s really one of my babies. That one’s about to really take off. And it’s going to take off kind of how we did way back. I mean, I built a lot of stuff. Got a telecom company, still doing real estate, and one of my daughters got a makeup company. So I got my hands on a lot of different stuff. My girl, we’ve got the hair salon, and then we do hair products. So I’m always there, I’m behind the scenes. But I’m going to pop up a lot. I’ve been filming and doing some photo stuff.

Given the response that Axion has gotten, skateboarding seems primed for the return of this late ‘90s / early aughts staple. For more on Campbell, read the full interview here.

Image Via Atiba Jefferson