Hailing from Hokkaido, Sota Tomikawa showcases his ninja-like abilities in part 2 of this Creature Double Feature. He expertly uses every part of the terrain to...
Fresh off the Creachzilla Japan tour, Yurin Fujii puts it down in her first full part for Creature Skateboards. The 17-year-old park skateboarder from Kaganawa, Japan,...
After riding with the brand for several years, Jhank Gonzalez officially turned pro for Creature Skateboards. Watch his Creature Fiend Club, released last year, below. His...
Here are the details of the final leg of the Saints and Sinners 2022 Tour: 8/30 – Atlanta, GA @stratosphereskateboards 9/2 – Charlotte, NC –@blacksheepskateshop 9/4 –...