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How Tyshawn Jones Won His 2-Year Battle With the Bump-to-Bar Backside Flip

Thrasher just released its Tyshawn Jones cover story interview online. If you haven’t already, you should check it out to get his perspective on filming for BLESSED. It contains many interesting insights including how the bump-to-bar backside flip in Washington Heights went down.

I was skating the spot, getting really close—I might’ve even stuck it and some big-ass 18-wheeler truck pulls up next to us. Out of nowhere, the door at the top of the bump-to-bar just swings open. I’ve never even seen that thing open before. The superintendent pops out and puts a brick in it to prop the door open. We’re trying to figure out what’s going on and tell him we’re just trying to skate this thing and get out of there. He tells us that they hired a trash company and had to take all of the trash out of the building. We look inside and there was something like 100 cases of empty bottles, cans and 200 trash bags. The trash company had two guys and they told us it was going to take about two or three hours for them to finish it.

We were, like, ten deep so we were, like, Fuck it, we all gonna pitch in. Everyone took off they shirt and got busy. The company didn’t even do shit and we ended up doing the job in less than 30 minutes. They loaded the truck up and thanked us. We told them that we were going to have to bill them later for the extra hands. Anyway, they left and I had to warm up again, then started to get in the groove again. Out of nowhere I just did it. That was the hardest trick I’ve ever tried and we had to put in work just to make it skateable that day. It was the happiest day of my life.

Head over to Thrasher to find out more about Tyshawn’s SOTY-winning performance.

Image Via Atiba Jefferson