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Vice Publishes an In-Depth Profile on Supreme

To coincide with the release of “BLESSED”, Vice just dropped an in-depth profile on Supreme that gives a glimpse into the inner workings of the brand. It talks to key players including Kyle Demmers, Todd Jordan, and Bill Strobeck to give the reader a look behind the curtain, and attempt to answer the question of how Supreme has managed to enjoy mainstream success while remaining true to the roots fo the culture that spawned it.

“There’s always been a skate team,” Demers, who handles a lot of Supreme’s brand management, told me. “But now it’s actually a fully thought-out skate team with videos and now we actually have skaters that have turned pro. We’ve always made clothes. But now instead of just a couple T-shirts and sweatshirts, it’s a full blown line. It’s not necessarily changing, we’re just doing more.”

Head over to Vice to read the entire piece.

Image via Supreme